How can I improve my Facebook CPM through dropshipping?

How can I improve my Facebook CPM through dropshipping?

2020-08-30 0 By admin

I’ll show you how to improve your Facebook ads to get the lowest CPM possible on Shopify.

The CPM is the cost per 1000 impressions on Facebook.

Improve your CPM by using square or full screen mobile advertising and subtitles.

The higher your CPM will be, the more it will cost you to reach 1000 people with your ad. The more your ad is shown, the more likely it is to appear in a buyer’s news feed.

Mimic the popular media.

Facebook encourages some content over others.
The advantage of 720×720 square videos and fullscreen mobile videos is that they take up a lot of space in your prospects’ Facebook News Feed, so they can’t really miss out. Facebook distributes this type of content more widely.

New media such as UNILAD have understood this very well. That’s why the format is simplified to the maximum: a video between 2 and 3 minutes long, in square format and with attention-grabbing subtitles in the thumbnail. It is IM-PO-SSIBLE to miss this type of media, it takes up the whole screen.

UNILAD exemple post with good CPM

I use the Final Cut Pro X software to edit my ads. You can also do it with iMovie which is a free solution. You can also find a lot of free solutions online.

Mimics this type of posts because facebook users are familiar with this form of content. I’m really talking about the form and not the content of the example.

Facebook promotes this form of video even organically because it creates a lot of interaction.

Stay on the lookout.

On Facebook, things are moving very fast and new opportunities arise as updates are made. I’m writing this article in August 2020 and maybe when you read it another format will be predominant. But today it’s this one you have to choose if you want to reach the maximum number of people with the minimum budget.

What factors can affect your CPM on facebook?

The coherence of the offer.

If you advertise an air conditioner, your CPM will be lower in August compared to January. Your CTR (click through rate) may be higher in August because it is warmer. Users will be interested in an air conditioner if it is warmer.  The CPM is therefore primarily related to the relevance of the offer you will propose on your advertisement.

There is a leverage effect between your CTR and your CPM. The higher your CTR is, the lower your CPM will be. Therefore, it is very important to start with the best possible ads in order to have a good conversion rate.

The advantage of Facebook advertising is that once you have found your “cruising speed” and start making sales it will gradually get more social proof and it wil become more and more viral.

Virality and CPM

It is important to know that the more viral an ad is, the more likely your audience will be interested in it.

(Social Proof Principle: “One way to determine what is good is to find out what other people think is good. The principle essentially applies to situations where we are trying to determine what behaviour is right – Influences and manipulationRobert B Cialdini).

If your ad has many likes, with a large number of comments and shares, some of your most hesitant prospects will choose to take an interest in it.

Humans make fewer mistakes when they adopt the same attitude as other human beings. Indeed, if you see a crowd fleeing towards you, your reflex will be to flee as well. Without even asking yourself why you are running. Conversely, if you see a crowd lining up at the entrance of a store you will be interested and take a look. Even without entering the store.

You activate these reactions in your prospects when they follow the crowd that Liked, shared or commented on your ad.

Social proof is a very important influencing factor that will come back many times in this blog. For example, it is used when setting up pop-ups of recent sales on your Shopify site.


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